In the castle technique, each idea is voted yes or no, based on the criteria of acceptability, practicality and originality. It is a technique which is suitable for groups. There are different variations possible how this technique can be executed. For example, it is also possible to select the best three alternative, develop these further […]

Reverse brainstorming generates solutions to criticisms for alternatives. This is done by listing all criticisms and solving these criticisms with new alternatives.

The concept screening or Pugh datum method technique is a variant to the decision matrix in which alternatives are compared to an (existing) baseline alternative.

The RINGI Technique is method in which a document with solutions is passed along the table, comments are individually written and a final solution is selected based on the comments. Originally, this document was purposed to go through different hierarchical layers of a company, so that everyone involved could influence the decision.

The cost-benefit table considers the (monetary) costs of a certain alternative and their probabilities. In the given example, there is a 30% chance idea 1 will cost 1000, a 40% change it will cost 2000 and a 30% chance it will cost 3000. This results in an expected pay-off of (0.30*1000+0.40*3000_0.30*4000)-(0.30*1000+0.40*2000+0.30*3000) = 700. To use this […]