
A fancy word for change and bringing change. That's what we do.

Internal innovation, by changing the way you do (through improved strategy and operations)
and external innovation, by creating the change (through novel products, services, and digital platforms)

What · We can do for you

We Understand

Analyze what matters. Find out what the core challenges for your products, services, employees or customers are.

We Reinvent

Change what should. Reinvent the way you do, improve your business and transform digitally.

We Create

Design what lasts. Leave a lasting impact with novel products, services and digital apps & websites.

Our way of work

Our background is rooted in design and engineering. Essentially, these fields are about understanding and solving complex people and technology problems. Analysis and creativity play and important role here.

We’re trained to understand people and create solutions that change behavior. And that works great with all kinds of problems too, such as implementing change.

We use various methodologies, including an in-house developed model to approach our challenges, called Creative Decision Making.

Our Skillset

If you want a deep-dive in a some of the tools we use, check our tools database.

How · Our Process

The 5 stages of our process

Our process starts with a problem. Before the start of a project, the problem is examined for earlier solutions and what knowledge can be taken along. The outcome is a specific solution for the given problem.

Prepare: Set the stage

In this phase, the process, stakeholders, and requirements are reviewed to be able to successfully start the project. Everything is set to go!

Understand: Define the Problem

In this phase, the problem will be thoroughly researched. Hereafter, the problem will be defined resulting in a problem statement.

Purpose: Determine goals

Based on the problem statement, criteria, objectives and a vision for the future are set. These form the requirements for the desired solution.

Create: Generate solutions

Now that the strategic preferences are clear, solutions can be generated. In this phase, solutions will be ideated, chosen, developed and tested.

Activate: Implement solutions

The project will be evaluated to its objectives and implemented with the focus on proper continuation. The result might also be that a new iteration in the model has to take place.

Our scope of work

We take a holistic approach that considers the whole context and does not only focus on the solution. As a consequence, we work at the intersection of business (viability), human factors (usability), and technology (feasibility).

We have chosen this integral approach because each of these aspects is important for the development of successful products, services and processes.

Why · We are called CreativeSolvers


\ krē-ˈā-tiv-sälvˈr \

a. An inspired person highly capable of solving problems creatively.
b. A tool or method by which a certain problem can be solved creatively.

Our long term mission is to create a collective of CreativeSolvers, to connect them to the world’s challenges and share the knowledge and tools we’ve gained in the process.

Who · meet the creativesolvers

Why · our culture

We believe in bearing fruit

Our culture is summed up in one sentence: "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, bringing forth its fruit in its season."