The international conference on engineering design in 2019 (ICED19) is a global conference for Design Engineers. In 2019, this conference is organized by the Faculty of Design Engineering at the Technical University of Delft.
The biannual conference has exciting content, but how do you communicate this well?
The Challenge: Create a Brand Identity and Online Presence reflecting the conference essence
The ICED’19 brand is recreated each time a new conference is
The Solution
To start, we drafted a brand triangle in collaboration with the client, which is a tool to describe the principles and values of a brand. We developed several alternatives for the brand and organized an interactive session with the ICED19 organizing team. In this session, the final identity was chosen.

The identity reflects the brand of Delft University by the use of color and shape but alternates in color to reflect the various themes that are present in the conference.
A similar approach was chosen for the development of several designs for the website, which was finally developed using the Open Source CMS WordPress and is hosted by our daughter company Make it WorkPress which focuses on WordPress.
We also trained the employees of the organizer to use the website and brand materials, so further materials could be developed in-house.