The Consumer Trend Canvas is a method inspired by the Business Model Canvas of Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur of Strategyzer. Understanding and applying consumer trends is central to the Consumer Trend Canvas. It is a simple model that is not only about understanding consumer trends, but it also provides insight into how a company can apply this knowledge and start successful customer-oriented innovations.
Consumer Trend Canvas Introduction
The canvas consists of two components; analyze (analyze) and apply (apply).
- The left side, the analysis side, helps to fully identify and understand the trends under investigation. This analysis is divided into four parts; basic needs, drivers for change, consumer expectations and inspiration.
- The right side, the application side, is about identifying opportunities that the trends can bring to the company. The application component is divided into three parts: innovation possibilities, the target group and innovation ideas. New ideas are fed by the will of the consumer, which gives them more potential and a greater chance of success.
Some people do not understand the added value of trends, find it vague or do not know exactly what it means. The consumer trend canvas helps with this, a trend then gets more value because it contributes to new innovations for the company.
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Consumer Trend CanvasOnline Templates
Executing the Method
Step 1: Using the Canvas
A physical version is useful to complete the Consumer Trend Canvas. Print out the template, draw the canvas digitally or on a flip-over / large sheet of paper.
Step 2: Choose a trend
Choose a trend that the group finds interesting to investigate. Choosing a trend can be difficult, look for inspiration and what trends are currently playing at or another inspiring website with up-to-date trends.
Step 3: Analyze
Filling in the canvas starts on the left, the analysis part. Treat each part of the component analysis separately. Write all insights, data, examples and inspirations that support the trend on post-its. Stick the post-its under the corresponding parts. Review every time what ties all this information together. More explanation about the components and how to fill in the left side can be found under the heading "canvas elements".
Step 4: Consumer Trend Canvas
Filling in the canvas continues on the right, applying it. Treat each part of the application component separately. Determine where and how the trend is already being or can be applied. It also describes which consumers can apply the trend. Write down all information, data, examples and ideas on post-its. More information about the components and how to fill in the right side can be found under the heading "canvas elements".
Step 5: Innovative ideas
Analyzing and applying the components provide inspiration for new innovations. Write these new ideas and innovations on post-its and place them in the circle "your innovations". In this way a clear overview of the trend and ideas has been created.
Canvas Elements
- Basic needs: What are the underlying needs and desires of the consumer in this trend?
- Drivers for change: What changes have taken place? Why is this trend in effect now?
- Consumer expectations: What does the new consumer need? What changes do consumers expect? How does this trend satisfy the consumer?
- Inspiration: How are other companies applying this trend? Where does this trend return? What appeals to and is inspiration?
- Innovation opportunities: How and in what way can this trend be used in the company?
- Target group: What change is needed to address the right customer group? For whom is this trend intended, which customer groups find this trend interesting?
- Innovations: Write down all new ideas and innovations.