CreativeSolvers (as registered under the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under 54845874, from here called Company) gives you the access to her websites and invites you to freely take part in our services. The Company reserves the right to adapt the content of the Website or remove parts without notification.
Limited Liability
The Company puts serious effort to keep the content of the Website up to date. However, it might be possible that despite this effort, content might be incomplete or incorrect.
The materials as presenteed on the Website are offered without any form of warranty or claim to correctness. The materials can change at any time without any notification in advance from the Company.
Especially all prices as shown on the Website are without prejudice of any typo’s or programming errors. No liability can be claimed for the consequences of any of these mistakes. No agreement can be established on the basis of such kind of errors. The Company is not responsible nor liable for any of the content which is generated by visiting users, such as comments.
The Company is not liable for any hyperlink to websites or services of third parties and the content of the websites of these third parties. The Company is not liable for any damage that can be caused by the use of this Website or the unavailability of this Website.
Intellectual Property
All the rights concerning intellectual property the displayed materials are owned by the Company.
The copying, distributing or any other use of these materials is not allowed without written permission of the Company, except when determined in other regulations of mandatory law (such as the right of citation) or when explicitly indicated for the specific materials.
Excluded Content
The moving images on the main page of this site are made by Andyl Loyd and the images on the vision page are made by Dizi Films. In our articles, we also use images from Storyset. These materials are not under our intellectual property.