Presuppositions Technique Introduction

The presuppositions technique is a brainstorming technique that is applied in the divergent phase of a brainstorming session. In this phase, ideas are generated using various creative techniques. The presuppositions technique is one of the creative techniques that can be easily applied, but offers a different view of the question.

Presuppositions are thinking patterns that automatically occur when a person deals with a problem or question. They naturally occur in individuals when thinking about the problem or question, consciously or unconsciously. This can be caused by a certain context or how the problem or question is formulated. So presuppositions are naturally in human thinking, which is very valuable.

The Presuppositions Technique
The Presuppositions Technique

In brainstorming sessions, presuppositions can have a limiting effect on divergence. This makes it difficult to look at a problem or question in a different way. By temporarily eliminating obstructive presuppositions, thinking patterns are broken and vision changes occur.

Using the presuppositions technique in the divergent phase of a brainstorming session, conscious and hidden presuppositions can be identified. So that these, with a delay of judgment, can be temporarily disabled during the session. By using presuppositions and turning the reality around, original ideas arise.


Executing the Method

  • Step 1: Dissect the starting wording

    Review the starting wording made and its purpose, write it down. Select some crucial terms associated with this. Write these crucial terms on post-its.

  • Step 2: Find assumptions

    Find out for each word the presuppositions associated with it or connected with their context. Write all presuppositions per term on post-its.

  • Step 3: Invert

    Then ask the question for each presupposition; what if this presupposition does not hold or what if the presuppositions are reversed. Write these insights on post-its.

  • Step 4: Resocating

    Use these new insights to come up with new ideas for each presupposition dissected. In this way, new ideas have emerged from the starting formulation.


Advantages & Disadvantages

  • It requires a different way of thinking, which is often seen as difficult or difficult. But by taking extra time for the presuppositions technology, new insights and ideas arise.